About our Packages

Can anyone relate to this? When we wanted to send a care package to college, we were always just grabbing stuff last minute at the grocery store or Target and then throwing it into a box–just to send SOMETHING. Maybe something she had forgotten…maybe some random snacks we had at home we knew he liked. As busy working Moms, we just wanted to send something, but no time to really plan or think it through–much less time to decorate a box??!! Who does that??
Care Package Queens ๐Ÿ‘‘…We do that!

Yes, we are here for you busy parents who want to send your love and support, but are busy working, parenting younger children, traveling for your job, making house repairs…the list goes on and on…You are thinking about your college students, missing them so much, but you just can’t stop everything to spend hours shopping and decorating a care package. That’s why Care Package Queens ๐Ÿ‘‘ is great–we do all the work for you.

We shop almost every day, doing research and taste-testing new products to find the absolute best for our students. We find things you might not ever think of–it’s our mission. Items change throughout the year depending on the season. We also search high and low for the products to inspire and motivate your students–they will get a big smile as soon as they open the cheerful package!

We make it easy for YOU to send hugs!

Each Care Package Queens ๐Ÿ‘‘ package is hand-packed, decorated and filled with joy by Christiana, Carmalyn & Teresa. #carepackagequeens Be sure to specify favorite snack items or any food allergies. Click here to get to our order form!

All packages include a variety of the following:

  • Healthy & fun snacks –
  • Spa items-
  • FUN items
  • Useful items
  • Stress-relieving items

Here are some examples of items: